A Few Firsts.

One: I bought my first box of Tic Tacs. They were “Fruit Adventure” and I immediately devoured them because I have not ever had my own box of Tic Tacs. Delicious! I bought them with my own money. The clerk made a really big deal about my coat asked if she could touch my coat and if she could touch my purse. I told her she could. Then she wanted to know if I earned money doing chores and I felt like that was complicated to answer because I don’t get money for my chores. But I do get some money to learn how to handle it the right way. And today the right way was… TIC TACS!
Second: I held tumbleweed. I have seen a lot of tumbleweed fly around and we even crashed into some before and it was stuck to the front of our car. But today I picked some up. It is sharp. 
Third: I went to the Bonneville Salt Flats. That part was not a first. I have been there a few times. But this was the first time I saw it covered in water. It is more fun when there is not water covering the salt because it is so fun to run far on the salt. I found some big hunks of salt and I threw them into the water. 

2 thoughts on “A Few Firsts.

  1. Boojie, I love your travel journal. You are quite the writer. I even read through your past adventures. You are a very fortunate girl that your parents provide you with so many interesting and unique experiences. What I love the most is how you make the most of each trip.

    1. Thank you Sandie! I really like to write and I have won some writing awards at my school in first and second grade. I really have fun on the road. ❤️

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