I Can Cook Alone. 

My dessert making teacher, Mr. D., gave me a gift of an apron and chef hat! I am really making lots of desserts with him and now I am in a new habit of waking up and making my parents breakfast. I make eggs, toast, and also cut up fruit. I have had my own kitchen knives for a long time. I was three when I got my own knives but I had to be watched.  They are plastic but still very sharp. When I got bigger, my school garden teacher at school taught me the right ways to hold the foods while cutting.I like to make tea also. I do all of this by myself without help and sometimes when my parents are still sleeping!  One thing I don’t like about making breakfast is when the toast pops out of the toaster to surprise me. So, when I make toast, I go into the other room until it is all done toasting. I have learned that you NEVER put anything into the toaster besides toast. I also learned that nothing metal can go in the microwave and if you put something in a microwave for too long, it might get so hot that a little fire might happen. 

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