Body Language.

I visited some penguins. There were two types of penguins and they were both pretty small. I brought my binoculars in my purse so that I could look at everything really closely. I learned that penguins have different types of ways of talking with their bodies. It’s called body language and it is how they send you a message of Go away! or Look at me! Or another message. 

My dog has body language too. He shows his teeth when he is excited or happy. A lot of people get mixed up about his body langauge because mostly when animals show their teeth it means the animal is warning you and that they might bite. But not my dog. For him, this means I love you! Or it might mean I am so happy to see you! or he might show his teeth to say that Yes! I do want my dinner!! He is a very happy dog so he shows his teeth to us all the time. We call it his smile. People have body language too. Sometimes I can tell how someone feels by looking at their body and how the person is standing or sitting. But, you can’t always tell…

He is not smiling here. His body language is serious because Mama told him SIT. 

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