Treats, Spending Money, and Thank You Notes.

I have allowance that I can use for buying things that I want. I also do chores at home but I do not get paid for them. I do chores because everyone in our family has things they have to do so our house does not get too messy. Nobody gets paid for that. You just have to do it because it is right. I have had a chore list since I was 3.  It was a small chore list and the list was in pictures. Now I read and so my list is in words and has more chores on it. I even pick up dog poop! That is one of my jobs!!!

If I see something I like somewhere, Mama and Daddy do not buy it for me. 

They say 

Do you have enough money? 


Decide if that is what you want to spend your money on. 

And sometimes I think to myself 
No, I do NOT want to use my money on this!! 

But sometimes I think,

Yes, definitely I will spend my money on this!

Some of my money goes into my wallet for spending. Some of it goes into my cash box in an envelope for saving. I am still saving for a very nice sewing machine. I got money for two birthdays so I am pretty close to having the right amount. When I am back home I will probably be able to buy it!! Then I will also have a few sewing lessons with my friend’s mom too. 
Then some of my money goes into my cash box into an envelope for charity. I have not decided which charity I will donate the money to yet. I like dogs a lot and a lot of dogs need help. I know this because we have had dogs who didn’t have homes before they came to live with us.  But I also know about what cancer is because I know special people to me with cancer. I would like to help people who have that sickness of cancer too. 

Well, sometimes use my wallet money to get treats and today I was about to order and the employee just GAVE me a treat! This was extra nice. If I worked in a coffee shop, I would like to give out treats to people too. I am writing a long thank you note and making a little drawing too! 

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