Seafood Lunch. 

This place has a lot of foods you can eat from the ocean. I saw lots of lobster and crab traps. I wanted to eat some food at a seafood restaurant next to the blue water. 
These are mangos. They are a fruit and I like them a lot. I ordered a mango frozen drink. 
This is a conch. I have a conch shell at my house. I ate this too. This was my first time eating conch. 
These are oysters. I ordered for myself. I asked the waiter “May I please have Parmesan garlic oysters?” These oysters were cooked ones. Oysters may also be raw or with other toppings. This was not my first time eating oysters. 
The waiter asked me if I would like a dozen or a half dozen. I asked for a half dozen but then Mama and I talked a lot about a dozen and what a half dozen are. This is a little hard for me to work on, but I eventually got it. The waiter told me that I have really good manners. I think he said that because I order in a loud and clear voice and say please and thank you. I am sometimes shy when I speak to new people but I am never shy when ordering at restaurants! 

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