Cave Scientist 

I hiked down into cave. The cave is colder inside than the air outside so I wore my coat. Once I started hiking, I took my coat off.

When I first got inside the cave I could smell bat scat. I already know that animal poop in the wild out in nature is is called scat. But for bats, it is called guano. The bat guano had a very strong smell. It really bothered Mama. She didn’t tell me but I heard her say it so I told her my advice. This was my advice:
Breathe through your nose only.
Pretend you are smelling an ice cream cone.
Pretend you are sniffing lavender. 

This hike was long and it was downwards the whole way. I saw stalactites and I know those come down from the ceiling. I saw stalagmites and those come up from the ground. I have known about both of those for a long time because I have been in more than one cave. Stalactites hang tight from the ceiling and stalagmites might trip you. Those are some tricks that you can use for remembering the difference. For this hike I did not have to wear a helmet. I worked on my Junior Ranger booklets inside and outside of the cave. I earned a badge for this park and then another one for being a Cave Scientist. 

I whispered in this cave because the Ranger told me my voice would echo. He said that a regular voice can travel 1/2 a mile inside the cave and that is annoying. Mostly all the other hikers whispered. Some did not and their voices were very loud to me! 

When I earned my badges, this Ranger asked me a lot of questions and took his time. Most of the Rangers are like that. 

One thought on “Cave Scientist 

  1. Such wonderful information!! Thank You So Much! Super interesting and your advice was excellent…I bet it really helped your Mama❤️Grandpa got to visit Carlsbad Caverns many years ago and he said it was amazing!
    Congratulations on your new badges! You are doing such a Great Job! ❤️

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