Badlands are Great!

The Badlands used to not look like it does now. It used to be covered with sea water so there are no dinosaur bones here. 
I loved watching the national park rangers put on lab coats and goggles and masks and work on removing the sediment from the fossils. They used drills when I was watching them but later when they get very close to the bones they use more delicate tools. There were tubes to suck away the dust and they wore the face masks so they wouldn’t breathe the dust. One ranger was inside a clear box with the fossil and another ranger had just his hands in the clear box working. 

I went on a short hike here because it is so hot. The hills have little tiny balls of dried clay and it is easy to slip. Mama slipped and fell down and her legs went straight up in the air and that made me laugh so hard because it looked so silly to me. Mama laughed too so I was not being mean. It is not okay to laugh at someone if they are hurt or sad.

I worked on my Junior Ranger badge here. I still feel very proud each time I earn one. I am covering my Ranger vest! I would like to get a green ranger hat too. 

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