Outside Art and Inside Toys.

I saw a lot of outdoor art and then a whole bunch of toys that a man collected. He said he had a whole bunch more not showing and he told us a lot of stories. Some of them I didn’t understand and he talked very fast but Mama and Daddy understood the stories and laughed and said “oh wow” a lot of times. It felt like we were there for a long time and so I asked and Daddy said it had been almost 4 hours. 

I petted a dog named Honey Bear and I heard that this man had a pet squirrel but the squirrel was not available. I saw a black pig and some ducks and chickens walking around too.

I liked this place and the toy area gave me ideas for setting up my train table in a different way. I’d like to make the train go up and over the houses on my train table and try out a remote controlled train too. 

One thought on “Outside Art and Inside Toys.

  1. Wow! What an amazing Toy Collection and such interesting outdoor art too! We would love to visit there someday…looks and sound fascinating .Thanks for sharing it with us❤️

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