Super Moon.


We drove down a long road we sometimes take to the ocean and when we stopped, the sun was setting and it looked like this. 

But we turned the other way to see the moon. At first it was very hard to see but it got more and more special looking the longer we looked at it.
I looked at the moon for a little bit and then the Milky Way and then Big Dipper too and then I looked at a whole bunch of other stars in the sky. 

It was nice to look at the moon but mostly what I liked was that I had a surprise there… My friend was also at the hill and I had not expected him to be at the moon-watching place.  So we danced, and ran, crashed, and just acted so silly. Mama and Daddy kept asking us to please be quiet because everyone was trying to enjoy the quiet moon and we were acting crazy.  Mama got irritated with me because I was not listening but I still had a lot of fun anyway.

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