Buddy Holly. 

I saw a Buddy Holly performance today.  Daddy and I got dressed up and went to this special show.

My favorite character was Buddy Holly’s wife.  My favorite parts were when the Snowbird ladies were singing and using a harmonica. 

When I play harmonica at home, one of my dogs makes a big noise but the other dog doesn’t do anything because her ears don’t hear very much sound.

There were no kids except for me.  A lady said  “oh, are you a real Buddy Holly fan??” And Daddy told her about all the Buddy Holly things I saw when we went on an adventure a while ago. She was surprised.

This was as long as two movies, I think. They gave us a break and during the break I had a peanut butter cookie.
I’m glad I got that cookie because Daddy and I were supposed to go out for tea and quiche together afterwards but the tea place was closed up when the performance was over. It’s ok because Daddy and I will go another day.


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